Annemarie Sheridan Mysore Yoga Paris Ashtanga Yoga Shala Paris 11e

Name: Annemarie Catherine Sheridan
Nationality: English
Occupation: Director of A.Create – fashion designer/consultant.
When and how did you start practicing yoga?
I began to practise Ashtanga yoga in 2008, at a beautiful retreat in Crete which was recommended to me by a very dear friend.
How did you find Mysore Yoga Paris? Actually MYP some how found me! I visited the Shambala Meditation Centre where Mysore Yoga Paris is currently based and put Kia in touch with the owners when she created the Shala.
Has yoga changed you, how?
My practise has become an integral part of my life, for which I am profoundly grateful. My best friend, my medicine – like coming home.
What inspires you to keep practicing?
Does practice influence your work as a designer in what way?
I am constantly experiencing my practise develop, evolve and change and when I understood that this was a direct reflection of my life situation, my yoga became a clear, conscious link to my creative process. I learnt to understand myself more as a human being… not just as a human doing.
Describe your practice in 3 words:
Space – peace – joy
Where do you go to find peace in Paris?
My mat…

Kia Naddermier